Our Services
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Introducing Kickstand Connect
A free, confidential virtual clinic tailor-made for Alberta's young people.
When it comes to mental well-being, we believe that connections can make a big difference. That’s why we’ve launched Kickstand Connect – a virtual walk-in clinic exclusive for young Albertans aged 11 to 25. Appointments are available for any reason – no problem or question is too big or small. You can even make an appointment to check out how it works and what we offer.
At Kickstand Connect, you can access free mental health and substance use counselling, peer support, employment services and register for free workshops and support groups! Registration takes only a few minutes – all you need is an email address and to provide your name, date of birth, gender and postal code when you book an appointment; you do not need your health card for most services. Our Kickstand Connect team has experience working with young people from all walks of life including BIPOC and 2SLGBTQ+ youth – and they can’t wait to meet you! Feel free to drop in and have a chat with any provider to learn more about us.
Check our Services Schedule, make an appointment, and connect with us today!

Services We Offer
Mental Health Counselling
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Short-Term Counselling
Meet Our Therapists!
Substance Use Counselling
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Meet Our Counsellor!
Peer Support
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Meet Our Peer Support Worker!
Additional Services
Employment Support
Groups and Workshops
1:1 Appointments Schedule
Check our website and social media regularly for updated program and service options!
NOTE: When booking your 1:1 appointment with our providers, you will be taken to our calendar – please click on TODAY on the TOP left hand side of the calendar and then choose your preferred date and time for your appointment.
Groups & Workshops Schedule
Check our website and social media regularly for updated program and service options!
NOTE: When booking your 1:1 appointment with our providers, you will be taken to our calendar – please click on TODAY on the TOP left hand side of the calendar and then choose your preferred date and time for your appointment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Kickstand Connect offers a virtual clinic with trained professionals and a safe space for group sessions, exclusively for young Albertans aged 12-25 and their parents or caregivers. It is a free online portal and mobile app where young people can accessvirtually bothsame-dayand pre-bookedappointments(up to a week in advance)with a mental health professional, peer support worker, employment specialistor participate in group activities and workshops. Based on a single session model, Kickstand Connect offers various same-dayand pre-bookedservices, none of which require a healthcare card, referral, or any form of payment.
- Mental Health and/or Substance Use Counselling
- Peer Support for young people
- Employment Services
- Groups and Workshops
- Coming in the future: primary/physical care appointments, pharmacy consultation, family peer support and more!
Our counsellors are all licensed mental health professionals, from a variety of backgrounds, including clinical social work, psychology, occupational therapy, and registered nursing.
Many of our group programs are offered by Kickstand’s community partners, who include Sagesse, Eating Disorder Support Network of Alberta, YMCA of Greater Toronto’s Youth Cannabis Awareness Program, ATB and many others
We primarily utilize a single session, solution focused approach to mental health counselling. Single session therapy is simply, a single therapeutic session between provider and service user. This model of care helps us to make our services accessible to people when they need it and means that we do not have a waiting list for services.
Yes, you can come more than once! Each visit, the provider will help you out with whatever your concern or issue is that day and then if you think you need that support again next week or month, you can come back. You will not be guaranteed the same provider each time but all of our providers are trained in the single session, solution-focused model and you won’t have to tell your story all over again.
If you are 14-17 years, you do not need a parent or caregiver to sign up for an appointment and while you are welcome to bring them along, their permission is not required for most Kickstand Connect services. If you are 12 or 13 years, we encourage you to bring along a parent or caregiver so the provider can explain the service at the beginning of the appointment.
Young people aged 12-25 years can access services using our online booking portal and all you need to sign up for an appointment is your name, an email address you have access to, your date of birth, postal code and gender identity. You do not require a healthcare card, referral, or any form of payment to access Kickstand Connect services.
Watch this video for a click-through tutorial!
If you still have questions, please e-mail us at hello@mykickstand.ca.
You should receive an e-mail with a link that will bring you back to Kickstand Connect. If you have any troubles, please send us an e-mail at connect@mykickstand.ca.
You can also access your account and appointments via the Kickstand Connect app.Choose the Kickstand Connect app that works for you!
Same day and pre-booked single session services are available Mondays (except statutory holidays) from 1:00 to 9:00 pm, Wednesdays from 5:00 to 9:00 pm, and Thursdays from 1:00-9:00pm.
We welcome any Albertan aged 12-25 years to use our services. Maybe you’re not sure how you’re feeling or you’re tired of not feeling great. Maybe you have thought of getting help, but you are uncertain if you’re “sick enough” to be taken seriously. Maybe you are on a waiting list for another service and need some support while you wait. Maybe you need some help figuring out an education or employment concern. You are the right person, and you can make an appointment at Kickstand Connect and talk to a peer, a mental health professional, or an employment specialist!
Absolutely! At Kickstand, we are committed to being a safe space for trans and gender diverse youth to access health and wellness services.
We are working to become a part of the Skipping Stones Trans Affirming Network and all of our staff and providers have received the Trans Wellness Initiative Affirming Spaces Training.
Meet our mental health providers HERE.
Below you will find the information we ask for when you make an appointment on Kickstand Connect and our reasoning behind each ask.
First Name: This is so we know what to call you during your appointment! If your chosen name is different from your legal name, you’re welcome to write that instead.
Last Name: We do not need your legal name for our walk-in services, but we do encourage you to use your real last name. There will be some services, like pharmacy services or talking to a physician (family doctor) where we would need your full, legal name.
Phone number: We will not use this number to contact you in any way, unless you give us permission to do so. We use phone numbers primarily for emergency contact purposes.
DOB: We ask for you date of birth so we know how old you are. This helps us to make sure you are a good fit for our services, as our services have been built to best support people ages 12 to 25.
I am…
This is to help us understand who you are and where you are coming from. Some of our services are for family members/caregivers, and sometimes a service provider might be helping a young person to sign up for an appointment. This helps us to understand who is using Kickstand Connect services.
We ask for demographic information, like gender identity, to better understand the young people who use our services. Knowing a little bit about your identity can help us find out if young people of all identities feel comfortable using our services. If we can see there is a group of a certain identity that isn’t signing up for appointments, we can use that knowledge to make changes & learn how to better reach out to and support young people from those communities.
My ethnic/racial identity is…
Like with gender identity, we ask for your racial or ethnic identity to better understand the young people who use our services. Knowing a little bit about your identity can help us find out if young people of all identities feel comfortable using our services. If we can see there is a group of a certain identity that isn’t signing up for appointments, we can use that knowledge to make changes & learn how to better reach out to and support young people from those communities.
Which Alberta health region are you in?
We want to make sure that our services are for Alberta young people! Like asking for demographic information, knowing what regions the young people who use our services are from can help us figure out if people from any region feel like Kickstand services aren’t for them.
If you are not sure which region you are in, here is a map to help you out!
If you had not accessed Kickstand services, where else would you have gone for help?
Part of our goal at Kickstand is to change the way that young people access health and wellness services in Alberta. To help us achieve this, we want to know where you would have gone to get help if you didn’t use Kickstand Connect. In the long term, this will help Kickstand to try to reach those young people who don’t feel that the typical health and wellness services in their community are right for them.
You can find the Kickstand Connect Terms of Use & Privacy Policy here: